Our booth at The ATT Fair in Essen 206
polarex (9)
Polarex Model 132F or in human language: large Polarex telescope (10cm diameter) on the original metal pier with all the photographic accessories.Made in the early 1960's and still fully operational.
This kind of telescopes are rare and were only found in observatories.
Will be one of the eye cathers on our booth at the ATT in Essen.
Dramatic version of the Mercurius Transit
Mercurius Transit: 10cm Polarex prime focus
Pier of the 4" Polarex - Unitron equatorial mounted refractor
The 16cm f:15 Gajdusek Kozelsky refractor is installed on the Fullerscopes MK IV mount. This heavy duty mount from the 1950's carries the refractor very well.
Now it will be possible to observe more objects because the Fullerscopes has the GOTO function.
The equatorial mount will make it possible to use higher enlargements. It will also be possible to use the refractor for astrophotography
Looking for parts for your 3" 75mm Unitron Polarex telescope?
On our website you can find an overview of all the mounts, OTA's and parts we have for the Unitron Polarex 75mm 3" telescopes.
Don't hesitate to contact us with your requests.
Some time ago I received an email from Dave Komar, Editor of the Unitron History Project, with the questions: "How did you get into this business? What's your story? "
Answered Dave with a short story and the result is a page on the Unitron History Project website.
This was the occasion for me to look for old photos to illustrate the article.
Heerlijk weer en een blauwe hemel. Ideaal om te genieten van een stralende zomerdag.
Niet zo maar zonnebaden maar bakken achter een telescoop. Zonnewaarneming. Bruinen en iets zinnigs doen.
Mijn beste zonnekijker is de klassieke 10cm f:16 Polarex refractor in combinatie met de originele Herschel Wedge. De Herschel Wedge is een veilige zonneprisma.
De zon waarnemen kan zeer gevaarlijk zijn. Maar met de nodige voorzorgen is het perfect veilig.
Toch wat activiteit op de zon. Drie groepen zonn